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En vente dans la région

En vente dans la région

Provenant d'une coopérative féminine, des produits à base d'huile d'argan sont vendus à des prix très doux

Tour pour presser l 'argan

Tour pour presser l 'argan

Cet outil véritable en pierre de l'Anti-Atlas trône dans notre cuisine, comme un symbole de la situation géographique de votre riad en location, situé au centre du triangle de l'arganier, Essaouira-Taroudant-Tiznit

Amandons de l'arganier

Amandons de l'arganier

Débarrassés ici de leur chair qui leur donne une couleur jaune, ils seront pressés pour donner la célèbre huile



Des arbres présents depuis des siècles et vraisemblement des millénaires au Sud du Maroc. Ici au bord de la route express qui mène à votre riad en location

Chèvres sur un arganier

Chèvres sur un arganier

Les caprins dégustent les branches des arganiers avec délectation. Un spectacle déroutant et quotidien à proximité de votre riad en location ! Cette pratique détruit ces arbres protégés. Son interdiction est à l'ordre du jour

The argan tree and argan oil, treasures of Morocco


The golden triangle starts atEssaouira, extends toTaroudant and ends atTiznit. The Jardin aux Etoiles is located almost exactly in the center of this triangle, which is that of the area of the argan tree, endemic tree and treasure of southern Morocco. At the end of autumn, the yellow fruits are harvested. We extract the interior, called amandon.

Pressed by the women of the countryside, mainly Berbers, these almonds give birth to argan oil, with beneficial properties recognized by science, both in food and in cosmetic use.


Roots that go down more than 100 meters


The argan tree (Argania spinosa) does not grow above 1,400 meters as it fears cold and snow. The secret of its incredible resistance in arid conditions? Its roots sink into the ground for more than 100 meters to find a few drops of water deep down. In addition, its foliage condenses the atmospheric humidity of the Atlantic coast. In winter, do not seek shelter under its small and evergreen foliage because, especially at night, you will be soaked by a rain... of condensation.


From the argan tree, we used everything! Before the absolute ban on its felling, dictated by the need to stop excessive exploitation, its trunk was used as fuel and for construction work. The leaves were browsed by goats who did not hesitate to climb the thorny branches of the plant to eat the fruit pulp, while the stones were regurgitated and harvested by women and children.


The spectacle of goats climbing on the argan trees has not however completely disappeared. What would we do to please the tourist and collect a few dirhams?


A typical Moroccan oil which is protected
Travail féminin

Travail féminin

A la campagne, les femmes produisent de l'huile d'argan depuis des siècles

Le boum de l'huile d'argan

Le boum de l'huile d'argan

Ce graphique montre l'explosion de la demande intervenue ces dernières années

Label Amigha

Label Amigha

Une garantie de provenance, utile aux producteurs comme aux consommateurs



Cosmétique et alimentaire

Cosmétique et alimentaire

L'huile d'argan a deux utilisations : cosmétique (à gauche) et alimentaire (à droite)

Almonds intended for food are roasted in the sun. This is why table oil has a slight nutty taste. The cosmetic oil, on the other hand, avoids this step, so as to present only the initial fragrance of the argan.


Long considered a mere local tradition, argan oil, sometimes referred to as argan oil, is rich in vitamin E, Omega 6 and 9 acids, and antioxidants. According to animal studies, it stabilizes hypercholesterolemia, stimulates brain cells and liver function. It would also protect the connective tissue.

Attention, counterfeits!


It has become a must for only fifteen years, sought after by gourmets and people concerned about their health and the beauty of their skin.  This is why initiatives have been taken to control this unique product.  

Be careful, there are many counterfeits! You may be sold argan oil which is actually just olive oil or a questionable oily mixture! Many so-called “argan oil” products do not contain any or very little. The Amigha and IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) labels were created to combat this phenomenon.


Cooperatives have appeared, to better defend the interests of women who, traditionally, work to extract the interior of the fruit pits and press them in the stone towers whose configuration has not changed for centuries.


This work is long and tedious. He was badly rewarded. He is now paid more fairly. 

Visit a female cooperative near Ouled Berhil                         
Coopérative féminine

Coopérative féminine

Des femmes se sont regroupées à proximité d'Ouled Berhil, dans le haut de la vallée du Souss, pour mieux défendre leurs intérêts

Présidente de la coopérative

Présidente de la coopérative

Elle est la soeur de l'intendant de votre riad en location, Moulay Hafid

Pressage mécanique

Pressage mécanique

Ici, le tour en pierre a été remplacé par des machines, afin de soulager les femmes du travail fastidieux qui est encore leur lot lorsqu'elles l'effectuent dans le cadre familial

Autres produits de santé

Autres produits de santé

Cette coopérative propose d'autres spécialités à base de céréales extrêmement saines, que l'on mélange ou non à l'huile d'argan

​Your rental riad invites you to visit a women's cooperative producing argan oil. It is located at the foot of the Atlas, in Talgjount, a little further than the town of Ouled Berhil, at the top of the Souss valley.It can be reached in just over an hour and a half from the Jardin aux Etoiles.


A trip to this cooperative is to be made in combination with a visit to Taroudant, for example with the trip toTaliouine, capital of saffron, where the visit of the old kasbah of Glaoui is essential.




This cooperative is called Tifaout. The women who work there prepare the almonds by hand; there is indeed no other method. On the other hand, the traditional stone towers are replaced by machines that avoid the tedious nature of manual pressing, while guaranteeing hygiene. Argan oil by-products, touted for their health-promoting properties, are also available at this cooperative. 

If you would prefer to attend a craft production near our rental riad, contact Ayoub. such. 00212 661 707 921.

Anchor 1
​Tifaout women's cooperative in Talgjount:
a little over two hours from the Garden to the Stars

Emissions ECO.décode on argan produced and presented byJean-Luc Vautravers, creator of the Garden of Stars
Amlou, Berber Nutella

​The Berbers created Nutella long before societyFerrero ! Prepared with argan oil, toasted almonds and honey, if possible from orange blossom, amlou is a typical specialty of the Imazighen, the first inhabitants of Morocco. It tastes like Nutella, but less chocolatey. This very nutritious paste is therefore often eaten for breakfast. We are also beginning to find it in sophisticated cooking preparations. The amlou ice cream is excellent!

Culinary oil and cosmetic oil


Argan oil enhances the flavor of couscous, fish, as well as salads, mixed with vinegar, as in tabbouleh. It should not be brought to high temperature. As our photos above show, it is found in the preparation of the most diverse modern recipes. We will read with interest the siteArgan oil.

What about cosmetic oil? It is used on the skin and hair. It would have virtues against hair loss, eczema, skin dehydration. It can be applied both in light massages on the face and in local application on particularly dry areas of the body. Exactly as Berber women have been doing since time immemorial...

Tour in our kitchen to make argan oil 
Déco à la cuisine

Déco à la cuisine

Ce tour en pierre pour fabriquer l'huile d'argan trône à la meilleure place, comme pour célébrer cet artisanat immémorial

Au souk d'Ouled Teima

Au souk d'Ouled Teima

Ce vieux marchand vend de magnifiques tours en pierre pour fabriquer l'huile d'argan

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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