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Notre cuisinière

Notre cuisinière

La souriante et efficace Fatima



Dans la galerie Souss, des participants à notre cours goûtent le résultat du travail effectué.

1001 nuits

1001 nuits

Notre cours de cuisine se déroule le soir, afin de faire profiter les participants de la magie du Jardin aux Etoiles



Ce mot désigne à la fois le contenant et le contenu du plat marocain par excellence.



Grill traditionnel au charbon de bois sur lequel mijote le tajine

A l'extérieur

A l'extérieur

Tajine réalisé avec la participation de nos hôtes et dégusté au bord de la piscine

Table à l'intérieur

Table à l'intérieur

A disposition au Salon Atlas

Préparation du pain tafernout

Préparation du pain tafernout

Le pain traditionnel berbère est cuit dans un four en terre réfractaire.

Take part in our 1001 night cooking class!

Le Jardin aux Etoiles organizes a Moroccan cooking class which is given in an atmosphere of 1001 nights. This feast of culinary learning and taste buds is for anyone interested in learning the basics of Moroccan cuisine and making some of its signature dishes. Registrations are taken via the form below. Price: between €50 and €80 per person, depending on the number of participants.


This course is also open free of charge to residents of the riad, insofar as it occupies the premises on Thursday evening (in principle, unless another evening is defined between all interested parties).


Extremely user-friendly, it is dispensed byour cook, Fatima, led by Ayoub, manager of the riad. It is organized provided that a sufficient number of participants are registered (from two to eight people maximum).


Our guests who do not wish the organization of this course during their stay communicate their wish to us. We respect their choice and the course is therefore not organized during this period.  

  • Kitchen used: that of our rental villa

  • Day of the course: Thursday evening, provided that the number of participants is sufficient

  • Opening hours: from 4:30 p.m. at the Jardin aux Etoiles

  • Languages used : French and English (on request in the latter case)

  • Price : depending on the number of participants, from €50 to €80 per person.  Travel to the riad is the responsibility of the participants.

  • Discovery of the mint tea ritual  : with organic herbs from our garden.

  • From 5 p.m.: start of the demonstration by our cook of the main course of our traditional Moroccan menu: mutton tagine with prunes and sesame

  • 5:30 p.m. : start of cooking the tagine on a majmar, a small traditional terracotta grill. 

  • At the same time, demonstration and preparation of vegetable briouates (starter) and sweet couscous with almonds, raisins and cinnamon (dessert)

  • 7:30 p.m.: tasting of the menu, either inside or outside the riad, lemon water from the Jardin aux Etoiles

  • 9 p.m. : end of the evening, departure of the participants

Anchor 1
Sign up for our cooking class (this offer is only open to non-residents)
A friendly cooking class

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Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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