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Coco Polizzi

Coco Polizzi

Feu Beato Salvatore Polizzi, créateur de la Médina qui porte son nom.

Tissages et habits

Tissages et habits

Hélas, le nombre des artisans a fondu comme neige au soleil...

Extraordinaire travail de la pierre

Extraordinaire travail de la pierre

Selon la tradition berbère de l'Anti-Atlas et de l'Atlas



Charme unique !

Formidable architecture

Formidable architecture

Toute la beauté de la pierre



Une conception architecturale élaborée, qui cache quelques boutiques d'artisans survivantes

Théâtre à la romaine

Théâtre à la romaine

Pour accueillir des réceptions, des banquets, des mariages

The Medina of Coco Polizzi: a must


Destroyed during the earthquake of 1960, the medina of Agadir was replaced, on the other side of the city, in Bensergao, by a new and spectacular development, respecting the art of ancient stone developed in the Anti-Atlas and the Atlas. This must-have for any visit to Agadir is signed by the Italian-born architect Coco Polizzi, who unfortunately passed away in 2021. You can get there in about 45 minutes.

Sometimes criticized - wrongly - for being artificial, this place is actually magical, if only for the interest of its architecture and the fight led by the Sicilian and his daughters. The stones were meticulously installed, sometimes in a complex geometry, on rammed earth,as claimed by the Polizzi family


An unfortunate quarrel


For years, financial disputes have unfortunately opposed the creator of this tastefully reconstructed complex and the local craftsmen who have set up pretty shops there, and some of whom work there.  


This quarrel resulted in the many craftsmen melting away, to the benefit of the neighboring craftsmen's village ofKasbat Souss. Unfortunately, there are only less than twenty left, whose products are quite attractive. We appreciate the fixed prices, certainly slightly higher than those that can be obtained elsewhere, but which have the advantage of not giving rise to haggling.


Corollary to the decrease in the number of craftsmen, the crowd is not as dense as the medina deserves. The alleys are even sometimes almost deserted. Ah if all the craftsmen could join hands, find themselves on the same site and if the hatchet was buried inchallah! 


Paid entry


The opening of the medina has experienced several long interruptions. Reviving for a time thanks to the pugnacity of Paola Polizzi and new investors, the Medina of Coco Polizzi cherished new projects. Since 2016, the Medina has hosted the International Arts and Culture Festival.

Alas, the Medina is difficult to make profitable, so much so thatthe judicial liquidation was pronounced at the end of 2017. A buyer with strong kidneys finally came forward:  the Souss Massa Regional Tourism Development Company (SDRT), in public hands. Therefore, the future of the Medina is assured.

There is an entrance fee (40 dh, or 4€ per person). This tax is sometimes misunderstood. But when you imagine the cost of such a construction and its operation, you pay for it with understanding. Closed on Mondays. 

Telephone contact:  05 28 28 02 53

Anchor 7
At 45 minutes 
from Garden of Stars.
Prefer the express road!
The medina of Coco Polizzi in two videos
The medina of Coco Polizzi on the Jardin aux Etoiles blog

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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