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Rochers en bord de rivière

Rochers en bord de rivière

Vus depuis le sentier panoramique

Rare au Maroc

Rare au Maroc

Le sentier est balisé, profitons-en !

A flanc de côteau

A flanc de côteau

Le sentier de la Vallée du Paradis grimpe d'abord, pour ensuite redescendre

Atlas vallonné

Atlas vallonné

Le paysage montagneux est superbe

Double paradis

Double paradis

Celui de la Vallée et celui de la promenade

Cabanes hippies

Cabanes hippies

Il reste quelque chose de Jimi Hendrix dans la Vallée du Paradis

Le Paradis sur terre ?

Le Paradis sur terre ?

Un oued chargé d'eau, des palmiers-dattiers, des acacias, des chênes verts, des genévriers, des lavandes

On approche du Paradis...

On approche du Paradis...

Entre rochers et végétation, un paysage rare en Afrique du Nord

Falling for something
Children, teenagers

Valley of Paradise: hippie atmosphere ;-)

The exceptional Valley of Paradise is hidden in the depths of one of the last foothills of the Atlas before it descends into the Atlantic, atagadir. It is reached by a sometimes bumpy road that winds through the mountain. You have to earn it and then take a marked footpath.

The Valley of Paradise was made famous by chance. A German couple stricken with the disease went through it and left cured six months later.

Having become a gathering place for hippies in the 60s and 70s, the aptly named Paradise Valley is still shrouded in this atmosphere today.Jimi Hendriix has left his mark in the region. Myth or reality ?


Two possible routes


The most used road to reach the Valley of Paradise passes through the locality of Aourir, located by the sea. About fifteen kilometers after this locality, whose crossing has been enormously improved, a road sign indicates the direction of a pedestrian path which leads tonatural pools with turquoise waters


Google Maps chooses another, faster formula: after having crossed the West Bar of Agadir, it is advisable to leave it at Iligh and take the direction of the mountain.


Reed huts


Arrived at destination, you leave your car in the parking lot, which will require you to return a few dirhams to the caretaker. We take a path that climbs first, before descending. Then begins the parade of reed huts which welcome the visitor, here for a tajine, there for a drink or a mint tea, known as "Moroccan whiskey" (see the animated gallery below on the left). 


The landscape is superb, punctuated by the maze of date palms and abundant flora. At the edge of the wadi, whose banks become more and more rocky, we come across tables and chairs sunk in the water. It is a refreshing invitation when the temperature rises.


In less than an hour, by a path rising on the hillside, which becomes panoramic in its upper part, you reach the confines of the Valley of Paradise, where the natural pools are as many places for games, even sports, as shown in one of the videos below.


SOS cleanliness


Let's not hide a big black spot: rubbish of all kinds, in particular plastic bottles, too often litter the ground, destroying the sublime beauty of the place. Signs encouraging cleanliness have been placed along the path anda page has been created on Facebook in order to fight this scourge. Finally, nature's surest allies are still the heavy rains of late autumn, when they come and wash away everything in their path...


However, initiatives have been taken within the framework of theMarrakesh COP22. The 1st Environment Day at the end of August 2016 saw a regular operation ofgarbage hunt, on the theme "Keep it clean, keep it zouin". Now 20 waste bins and awareness panels dot the course.


Leave early in the morning


One can devote half a day, even a day to the discovery of the "Valley of Paradise". It is also possible to continue untilImouzzer, then untilthe natural swimming pool of Win-Timdouine, before returning to our rental villa. Be careful though: this program is ambitious and supposes leaving the Jardin aux Etoiles early!


Finally, let's point out to horse lovers the three-day hike to the Valley of Paradise proposed byAmodou Horse. 


In 1 hour 20 minutes from 
Jardin aux Etoiles, passing by the old national road which leads to Marrakech.
Anchor 1
Anchor 16

The Valley of Paradise on the blog of the Jardin aux Etoiles

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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