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Parc de Souss Massa

Parc de Souss Massa

Au sud d'Agadir, l'un des parcs naturels les plus intéressants du Maroc. Belle météo !

Coucher de soleil marocain

Coucher de soleil marocain

Entre Agadir et votre villa de vacances. Une météo de rêve !

Piscine de votre riad en location

Piscine de votre riad en location

A l'ombre des palmiers-dattiers et des bananiers. Prévision au Jardin aux Etoiles : belle météo !

Logo du Jardin aux Etoiles

Logo du Jardin aux Etoiles

Omniprésent, jusqu'au fond de la piscine de votre riad en location. Transparence assurée durant les 320 jours de belle météo annuels du côté d'Agadir

Aéroport international d'Agadir

Aéroport international d'Agadir

A 20 kilomètres de votre villa en location. Une station météo y est localisée, ce qui permet d'obtenir une prévision très précise pour le Jardin aux Etoiles tout proche

Star Garden weather: dry and healthy climate

​The weather in Agadir is exceptional: 320 days of sunshine are guaranteed annually. It's always warm or mild there. The situation of the Garden of Stars is just as favorable, if not more so.

Located inland, 25 km from the Atlantic Ocean, your rental riad enjoys a dry climate, particularly beneficial for health (rheumatism, asthma, fibromyalgia, etc.). Contrary to Taroudant, The Garden of Stars takes advantage of the ocean breeze, which rises in the early afternoon and is especially appreciated on hot summer days.
No fog in the Jardin aux Etoiles
The fog that frequently forms at the ocean's edge due to the thermal shock occurring between the temperature of the ground and that of the Atlantic does not reach the interior of the land. Your rental riad is exempt. However, it can happen that low clouds wait until mid-morning to rise, giving way to a sparkling sun. 

7-day forecasts

Sidi Boumoussa
Canary Islands
Anchor 2

The satellite named Eumetsat allows us to distinguish in real time between high and low pressure over the Atlantic, Europe and North Africa, with Morocco and Agadir as the focal points. However, the line separating the Southern Provinces from the rest of Morocco is regrettable!


Just click on the map below, then ‘Go to link’!

Satellite Eumetsat

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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