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Vol  au-dessus de Taroudant

Vol au-dessus de Taroudant

A droite : l'Atlas

Avion Cessna Caravan

Avion Cessna Caravan

Il permet de transporter jusqu'à 14 personnes



L'ivresse des 4'000 mètres



Sous le soleil couchant, côté Agadir

Winter parachute in Taroudant

It is possible to practice skydiving at Taroudant aerodrome during the winter, from December to March.It can be reached in less than an hour from the Jardin aux Etoiles. Magnificent view from a height of 4,000 meters!

Located east of Taroudant, on the road toOuarzazate, the Skydiving Center (Skydrive) offers baptisms, initiation, free fall or level crossings.

Pricing Overview

  • Tandem initiation flight: €200. Option: video 50 €

  • Jump without accompaniment: 25 €. Equipment rental €10 + folding €5

  • AFF training (seven accompanied jumps): €1,200. AFF (Accelerated FreeFall) is a method that was developed in the 80s to allow students to progress directly in freefall. The AFF method is a training recognized all over the world.

The Taroudant Skydiving Center brings together very good instructors from French centers, as well as experienced Moroccan instructors. It has a Cessna Caravan aircraft with 14 seats. 

Contact Rachid Moumy, tel. +212 6 68 96 42 40 or + 33 6 14 12 15 88, email

On-site catering


A little more of one hour from the Garden to the Stars. The road
National is preferable, crossing very few localities on this stretch.
Ancre 1

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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