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A l'entrée

A l'entrée

Un cabinet de toilette bien pratique

WC blanc

WC blanc

Facile d'accès lorsqu'on se trouve à l'extérieur du riad

Miroir marocain

Miroir marocain

En forme de fenêtre

Robinetterie en cuivre

Robinetterie en cuivre

Et table en zelliges vernissés

Vasque en cuivre

Vasque en cuivre

Maintenue étincelante avec du citron du jardin.

Un peu d'humour sur la porte

Un peu d'humour sur la porte

Les voilà avertis !

Ground floor washroom


This bathroom is very practical. It is located at the entrance, on the left as soon as you have crossed the door which leads from theSouss gallery to thefood. It is therefore also quickly reachable from thepool. Children especially like it.

Closed by a carved Berber door, it includes a copper basin surrounded by glazed Fez zelliges. This basin is surmounted by a two-leaf mirror, which deploys all its decorative effect.


A small cupboard installed below allows storage of various objects, including fire blankets

The toilet bowl is white, like the floor.

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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