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Parois magnifiques

Parois magnifiques

Tant dans l'Atlas que dans l'Anti-Atlas proche. Ici à Tafraout.

Win Tindouine

Win Tindouine

Rochers à 1800 m d'altitude, dans l'Atlas

L'Atlas proche vu d'avion

L'Atlas proche vu d'avion

Des quantités d'arêtes rocheuses

Au nord de Tafraout

Au nord de Tafraout

Le rocher roi !

Jebel el Kest

Jebel el Kest

La montagne au nord de Tafraout et sa cascade

Climbing walls, climbing and mountaineering


It is quite possible to practice climbing near your rental villa. We have selected four sites located in the nearby Atlas and Anti-Atlas. These are surrounded by nature of exceptional interest. There is as much to see as there is to do! 

1. The first wall is located atImouzzer, in a sumptuous place, where flows a powerful waterfall, in late winter and early spring. The latter forms one of the first foothills of the Atlas to the east of Agadir and dominates the Atlantic Ocean. The rock is hard. The face to climb presents itself in a spectacular way, in the form of a block of rocks. Medium difficulty. It is prudent to find out beforehand whether or not there is abundant water, so as to avoid any surprises.The first video below shows Isabelle Patissier, "the spider woman", climbing a ridge near Imouzzer andthe magical Valley of Paradise.


2. Another recommended wall: the one near Agadir. Its walls are easy to climb. It is therefore more intended for beginners and children.


3.Deeper in the Atlas, north of your rental villa, reachable in just over an hour, the Win Tindouine site is accessible from the old Agadir-Marrakech road, which remains next to the highway. This site is also that of the natural pool formed at an altitude of 1,800 m by the water that comes out of a maze of 20 kilometers of underground lakes, the largest that has been unearthed so far on the African continent.


4.The extraordinary site of Tafraout, in the Anti-Atlas, two or three hours from the Jardin aux Etoiles, has two major routes. The first was built atAguerd Oudad, to the south of this exceptionally beautiful town. This granite block includes more than 1,000 passages, from 4c to 7c. The second way is in theJebel el-Kest, which dominates Tafraout to the north. This adventure terrain has more than 100 routes, from 4a to 6a, spread over several top quality quartzite cliffs.Our second video below shows very well the interest of the Jebel el Kest route. 


To find out more about the routes around Tafraout, order this book onAmazon by clicking on this link.


The British have opened new routes near Agadir. They make their updated information available under the umbrella of Morocco Rock Climbing.



Other rock faces in the Atlas and Anti-Atlas

The chain of the Atlas and that of the Anti-Atlas also have quantities of rock faces that lend themselves to climbing. In the Anti-Atlas, note the very beautiful site ofAmtoudi.


Finally, the ascent to Toubkal, the highest peak in North Africa, represents a completely practical adventure, once you are used to mountain hiking, without being a mountaineer.

Agadir, Morocco, Riad for rent, villa for rent, riad for rent, villa for rent, swimming pool, garden, Jardin aux Etoiles

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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