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Atlantica Parc près d'Agadir

Atlantica Parc près d'Agadir

Des toboggans géants et des plans d'eau

Atlantica Parc

Atlantica Parc

De belles installations

Atlantica Parc

Atlantica Parc

La localisation des diverses activités

L'ensemble des installations

L'ensemble des installations

Atlantica Parc a été construit avec intelligence à un kilomètre environ de l'océan

Atlantica Beach

Atlantica Beach

Une plage magnifique à proximité

park, aquatic, Imourane, Agadir

Fun at Atlantica Water Park 

Atlantica Water Park is locatedat Paradis Plage, about thirty kilometers from Agadir, exactly in Imi Ouaddar, on the road to Essaouira.From the Garden to the Stars, count an hour and a half avoiding the center of Agadir and taking the express road that passes to the east of the city. The water park includes a giant slide, as well as several water features. 

​The Atlantica water park is a vast facility that fits inside the largest campsite in the Maghreb, cleverly set up not on the beach itself, but inland, about a kilometer from the ocean. The complex includes two separate campsites: that ofImiouddar located next to the water park, and that ofImouran, closer to Agadir.


Reasonable rates


Created by a  Moroccan, this international level water park, built according to European standards, is open from the beginning of April to the end of October.Rates are reasonable. If the youngest appreciate the fun side of the park, others take advantage of the nearby beach, which is magnificent. Something to spend a relaxing day for everyone. 


In Imourane, facing the ocean, Atlantica Beach has several restaurants, includingThe plancha, which belongs to the same owner. Good food, anonymous decor. Just 200 meters to the south, on the side of the famous Devil's Rock, is another table,At Brahim's, a friendly little bistro famous for its fish.We highly recommend it.


The video on the left shows the big slide, the one in the center the attraction called "La Toupie", the one on the right shows a descent of the "Trou noir".


At half past one 
from the Jardin aux Etoiles, via the express road to the airport (and not the national road), then by a second express road which passes east of Agadir and thus avoids the center of the city.
Anchor 7

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

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