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La pêche, c'est la nature

La pêche, c'est la nature

Ici sur la plage de Tifnit

Récolte des moules

Récolte des moules

Au sud d'Agadir. Photo Albert Jacob

Pêcheurs professionnels

Pêcheurs professionnels

Ils vendent le produit de leur pêche en fin de journée, à des prix attractifs

Barques de pêche

Barques de pêche

La pêche même professionnelle est demeurée très artisanale au Maroc

Pêche à la ligne

Pêche à la ligne

Au sud d'Agadir

Children, teenagers

Fishing: Atlantic coast very rich in fish

Both north and south of Agadir, the Atlantic coast is extraordinarily rich in fish and therefore in fishing grounds. Two methods are practiced: fishing at the water's edge, using the pelota method, or underwater fishing, which can hold extraordinary surprises.


See below the map of fish sites near the Jardin aux Etoiles. These sites are mostly located south of Agadir, particularly in the region oftifnitand the mouth ofWadi Massa (Sidi R'bat and Sidi Wasai), as well as on the Aourir side, north of Agadir.

In the Atlantic near Agadir, there are 60 different fish and seafood, including the large croaker, the sardine - common, but not to be neglected - or even the lobster, or even the barracuda. Click here fordetails.


It is possible to practice deep-sea fishing in search of swordfish and tuna by reserving your places at the Port and Marina of Agadir (contact us).


Below, map of fish sites (click on the image to enlarge it).

Map of fish sites near Agadir

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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